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Thoughtful Thursdays – Are you a sales detective?

Every day there is more data available to access thanks to the Internet and the willingness of people to share information. Today’s sales thought is about improving your sales detective skills.

I have found that many of my prospects are using social media as a marketing tool to spread news about new products, project applications and customer engagement. This is in addition to information on their websites. We know that that the advantage of sociel media is the speed a which a message can be shared to a wide audience.

People like it when you tell them that you follow them online. It is a way of telling them that you are interested in their business. They are more likely to buy from you as well when you are engaged with their stories.

Search for the clues and develop the sales approach you will use. An investigative approach will often reveal areas where your products and services can improve your prospects products and services.

Not so many years ago the professional sales person would give anything to get access to the information that is available today.

Being a sales detective will increase your knowledge base about your customers and enable you to add even more value to your sales proposition.

Information is out there and you can tap into it from the comfort of almost anywhere you want. Shame on you if you do not take the time to go get it and use it to make it easier for your prospects to like and then buy from you.

Good selling,

Have a question about sales? Contact Sakanashi and Associates Inc. and I will respond.

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