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Thoughtful Thursdays – Call in depth

Today’s Thoughtful Thursdays sales tip is about calling in depth. Getting to know as many people as you can at your customer can result in a competitive advantage for you.

Many times we rely on a too few contacts to maintain and grow business at a customer. Some customers prefer it that way, but for me it has always been beneficial to have as many contacts as possible. You may not have regular communications with all of them, but saying hello when you have the chance is one way to build the customer relationship.

Based on my experience, here are a few examples of people who are important to know beyond your typical key contacts in sourcing and management:

Calling in depth covers your bases and entrenches you in the mind of your customer. Make a habit of doing it, as your competitor may not.

Good selling,

Have a question about sales? Contact Sakanashi and Associates Inc. and I will be happy to respond.

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